SMS Text Marketing Strategy For Realtors

Text Marketing for Realtors

If you are a Realtor or real estate agent, you know that nurturing relationships and engagement with prospective clients is critical. Strong client relationships will affect present sales numbers and can multiply exponentially through customer loyalty and referrals. SMS text marketing strategy is the ideal solution to help you create better engagement with immediate responses with your clients.

Why text message marketing?

Text message marketing also referred to as SMS Marketing is currently the most effective way for small businesses to reach their customers.  Did you know that text messages have nearly a 100% open rate? People will ignore phone calls, emails, social media messages, but not a text message. Therefore the use of targeted and personalized text messages to advertise or promote a product, service, or event is quickly becoming the most effective way to get your message heard.

According to the New York Times, American’s check their cell phones 80 times per day. That’s about once every 12 minutes! Most people have their cell phone within arms reach even when they are sleeping. By texting your customers you can be assured that not only will they get it, read it, but it’s also the #1 way to increase engagement because 45% of text messages are responded to within 90 seconds.

What is text message marketing?

Text message marketing – or SMS marketing – is the act of sending coupons, special deals, announcements, current events and other information to your customers via text message. Not only can use SMS text messaging which is for messages less than 160 characters, but you can also use MMS – Multimedia Messaging Service which allows you to use pictures & videos and much longer text messages.

It’s often referred to as Mass Texting or Group Texting which allows you to reach all your customers at once by composing one text message or text campaign.  This will not be group texting like you can do on your personal cell phone. It will be sent to each person in the group individually, and each message can be personalized with their name and other personalized custom data fields.

Read 8 Reasons Why Text Message Marketing is Very Effective & How to Start Immediately in 2020 to learn more.

5 Ways Relators Can Use Text Messaging:

Easily Connect To the Customers: SMS marketing owes much of its amazing success rate to speed and open rate. Research has shown that text messages achieve a 98% open rate, compated to only about 20% for email and much less for phone calls. You will reach your customers with text marketing, and you will reach them instantly.

Send Photos: Seeing is believing. With premium business text messaging platforms such as TextP2P, you can include photos, videos and even pdf files in your text messages. Instantly send your prospective home buys pictures of the property or a link for them to visit.

Personal Touch: Other advertising tools available to small businesses like email and social media cannot provide personal customer interactions on par with personalized SMS text marketing. Ex. “Hi Mary, this is your relator Bill and I want to see if you are available to come to an open house event that I’m hosting today at 123 Main Street.”

Faster Response: Texting is discreet, private and fast. That matters when speed can literally make or break your deal. Do you know that most text messages are read and responded to within 30 seconds?

Create text Keywords: For example, ask people to text the keyword HOUSE to get the property listing sheet and price.  Then you immediately have their contact information in order to follow up with them.

Home for sale text message

To learn more about how you can better utilize text messaging for your business, please read SMS Text Marketing For Businesses

How to Get Started Immediately with Text Marketing

The next step is to decide which platform to use to run your text message marketing campaign. We highly recommend our system, TextP2P – Group Texting Made Personal.

TextP2P is an easy to use web application designed to used on a computer or mobile device. TextP2P provides a SMS & MMS text marketing system designed to help small-midsize businesses cultivate better relationships with customers and streamline follow-ups. Send your customers text messages from a virtual 10 digit local number with a maximum of 1600 characters! It offers features like: Sending bulk personalized texts, surveys, drip campaigns, Ringless Voicemails, keyword signups, scheduling, and more.

At TextP2P we offer a FREE 14 day trial where you will receive 100 text credits to use.

TextP2P Free Text Marketing Trial

Start Free Trial

How Does the Free Trial Work?

✅  Sign-up for a FREE TextP2P account. Take a tour of the system and watch a demo.

✅  Sign up for a FREE trial by entering your credit card to start and immediately receive a local area code phone number matching your cell phone and receive 100 FREE text credits.  You credit card will not be charged until your trial is over unless you go over your 100 free texts. After the trial ends your membership begins for just $20/month with our Starter Package Plan.

✅  You’re in control! Upgrade, Downgrade, Buy Additional Credits, or Cancel at Anytime.

Creating Your First Text Marketing Campaign is Easy

Once you have activated your account by starting your free trial or subscription, you easily send your first text message marketing campaign in just 3 simple steps and in less than 2 minutes.  Watch the video below to see an example of how easy it really is.

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